Back in school
37, Tallinn, Estonia

Hmmmm...olen nyyd paar paeva koolis veetnud jalle. Vahepeal olin moned paevad Pattayas Neliga. Ta sai veits mu peale Nick'i parast vihaseks, kuid i guess in da end it was all more or less cool. Olen nyyd Nickiga textinud...i guess we'll see where that leads....:D. Dont have high hopes for the simple matter of Kris...and how that turned out...I guess its those damn americans...yes Nicks also american...from Washinton D.C. Nways yeah, Chris and Megan and Thalia and Kate are back now, so there mite be something happenin tonite...who knows. But on wednesday we are defenitely plain Sonkran...oh and for those who dont know what Sonkran is...its a massive waterfight where everyone splashes water at each other, and it actually involves Thailand as a whole and some near countries around Thailand....shud be fun. I'll get back to you sometime soon....love ya all.


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