How to Recover Data on Mac Free
47, Washington, США

Which way do you use to recover data on Mac if you have deleted files from Mac accidently? Using free tool or paid software, or you don’t know how to recover data on Mac? If so, here I list three ways for your reference, including free way and paid service. The first way I will list can help you restore data on Mac free with some operations no need any software. The Second way is using Time Machine to find data back from Mac. And the last way shows you how to do data recovery mac by using Kvisoft Data Recovery for Mac.

First way: restore deleted files on Mac free without any software.
There are some operations you need to do on your Mac computer for recovering files.
Step 1: Make visible the files which are hidden by default from the .Trashes folder. Please go to Applications / Utilities / Terminal, open a Terminal window, then copy this command “defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE” to activate the ability to see the hidden files. Click Enter.
Step 2: Make command to show hidden folders. Copy and paste the command “killall Finder” which relaunches the Finder so it will show these hidden files. Click Enter.
Step 3: Open your Finder. Find the .Trashes folder in the relevant hard drive and/or partition, and right-click (or ctrl + click) to bring up the contextual menu. Click on Get Info. Then a new .Trashes Info window will pop up, you will need to change the Access Privileges, so click on the lock icon at the very bottom right hand corner of the window, and type in your password to allow changes. Then go to Macintosh HD users your username .trashes, you will find .trashes of mac hard drive. Set all to Read & Write by clicking the little double triangles under the Privilege column.
Step 4: Find deleted files. Go back to your Finder and click again on the .Trashes folder. It was now suddenly showing the folder which you accidentally deleted. Copy this folder and paste it into your separate drive.
Please read more about this way from Wikihow:

Second way: Using Time Machine to restore deleted files.
Time Machine can perform backup and therefore help you to restore items and return your entire Mac to a specific date. Here is the details show you how to install Time Machine on Mac, and recover files:

Last way: Using Kvisoft Data Recovery for Mac to recover deleted files.
If the above two ways have failed to you, maybe you need to use some third party recover tools. Of course, there are also free Mac recovery tools available, you can search many results from the internet. Just choose the best one as your need. Here I use Kvisoft Data Recocvery for Mac as sample to recover files.
Step 1: Download and install software. Download Kvisoft Data Recovery for Mac from this direct download link:, then install the software on your Mac computer.
Step 2: Launch software and choose media type. Open the software by double-clicking the icon of the program from your desktop. Then you will see the Choose Media Type interface. Just choose Hard Drive option to go on.
Step 3: Select devices to scan files. Then the system will turn you to the interface that you need to select device to scan files, just select the device where you deleted the files, and choose the scan options, Quick Recovery – just scan the deleted files, Deep Scan – can scan all files including missing files by some unknown reasons such as system crash, transfer files from computer to other devices, etc. Then click the Start button to continue.
Step 4: Preview and get deleted files back. After the program finish the scanning process, you will see all the scanned files will be listed on the left side, just click the corresponding category and choose the file to preview, make sure it is the one you need recovered. And then make mark before the file name. Click the Recovery button to start recovering process and choose an external device to save the recovered files. You can read more detailed guides from here: recover deleted items on mac.
Video tutorial:

The above three ways can help you restore deleted files from Mac, just choose the best way according to your need. Or do you have other ways?

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