Kasutaja kailikally päevik

32, Jõgeva, Eesti


He is worth it all...
Helps me rise when I fall...
Pics up the tears before they leave my face!
Makes me feel whole when I dont have the courage to continue on this place...
(this place is a disgrace)
Reversing the frown of this face!
BY loving me for me...
He holds me with no worry...
From top to the bottom...we wouldnt care....
Our connection is philosophical, it means so much more!
My mind, body, and soul is what he choose to explore...
Overwhelmed by his touch, his love, his grace!
I adore every freckle in his face.
My heart is what he holds in his hands tight because, it he will not misplace...
Always the number one and only in his team...
He is my rock...
...my heart...
...my love...
...my lover...
...my mate...
...my best friend...
More than a friend as he promised to be there until the end...
He is going to be there through it all!
Thats why he is my Mr.Wonderful!!!

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