34, Tartu, Eesti


Our first character is a rabbit. He is small, furry and gray. His name is Shaggy. Also he is arrogant, smug and angry all the time.
Our next character is a frog. He is small,very tiny, green, stinky and mucous. His name is Slime. All the time he is a smart ass and he loves to gossip. He has goggles and flippers.
And our last character is a rainworm. She is long, very indecent and naughty. Her name is Alarm, because she flashes. She has an umbrella and a shoe. She is a lounge lizard. We have presenter too, Squirrel.

Squirrel: It was a nice and quiet evening. The wind was blowing and the Moon was shining. Cones were everywhere. Then, suddenly, a scream was heard.

Alarm: "Help! SOS!"

Slime: "Come back, you biaaach!"

Squirrel: Slime chaced Alarm, because he found her in a bed with Shaggy. Slime was very angry and he had a gun.

Alarm: "Please! Forgive me..." "I can't help it, I am a nymph!"

Slime: "I don't care. You said you love me... How could you do that to me? Yoo sick bastard!"

Squirrel: far away, there was a rabbit. he was running after Slime, kicked him in the face and ran away.

Shaggy: "I don't scare you, you... mucous animal!"

Squirrel: Slime was lying on the ground and crying...

Slime: "You are my best friend. Let's not fight over some woman, who flashes!"

Squirrel: Alarm crowelled away...

Shaggy and Slime made up and went to bar for a drink.

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