Terminaator-Vastasmaja akendes tõlgitud ingliskeelde
31, Vantaa, Soome

We have never met
But still we know each other
When day has turned to night set up yourself
Because i have to see that every night

I don't tell about it to others
Let that be our secret
And when we meet at the street i pass as a stranger
Because i'm afraid to break this beautiful dream

In the windows of opposite house
There's a girl dancing in the red
Into a shivering light
Curtains pulled out of the windows
Strange eyes are looking
How you move yourself

Like that i enjoy you in every night
When you sway yourself in rhythm
You know that and open a button from your shirt
And trust yourself to my eye

In the windows of opposite house
There's a girl dancing in the red
Into a shivering light
Curtains pulled out of the windows
Strange eyes are looking
How you move yourself

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