Kasutaja kirsss päevik

38, Pärnu, Eesti

Pair of boots and a sack of clothes
Free and easy down the road I go
Hangin' memories on the high line poles
Free and easy down the road I go
Free and easy down the road I go

Ragweed's rockin' on the radio
Free and easy down the road I go
So I keep rollin' like an old banjo
Free and easy down the road I go

Got the sun shinin' on me like a big spotlight
So I know everything is gonna be alright

Ain't no tellin' where the wind might blow
Free and easy down the road I go
Livin' life like a Sunday stroll
Free and easy down the road I go
Free and easy down the road I go

If you only get to go around one time
I'm gonna sit back and try to enjoy the ride

I could make a million or wind up broke
Free and easy down the road I go
Can't take it with you when you go so
Free and easy down the road I go
Someday I know it's gonna take me home so
Free and easy down the road I go
Free and easy down the road I go

Look at me now
Wont you listen to my heart
Cryin out loud
Ive been standing in the dark

I want someone to show me the way
Im lost on a lonely road
There must be a light at the end of the tunnel
Before I go out of control

I wanna fall in love
I wanna feel that rush
Runnin into my heart, shakin up my soul
Feelin like Ive never felt before
I wanna fall in love
I wanna feel that touch
Ive only dreamed about it, Ive been livin without it
And that aint good enough
I wanna fall in love

Somewhere out there
Someone else is searchin like me
And I know he must be hurtin
Maybe tonight hes walkin down
The same road Ive been takin
And well meet up without even talkin
And hell know what Im sayin

I wanna fall in love
I wanna feel that rush
Runnin into my heart, shakin up my soul
Feelin like Ive never felt before
I wanna fall in love
I wanna feel that touch
Ive only dreamed about it, Ive been livin without it
And that aint good enough
I wanna fall in love

Maybe tonight hes walkin down
The same road Ive been takin
And well meet up without even talkin
And hell know what Im sayin
I wanna fall. . .

Dancin' where the stars go blue
Dancin' where the evening fell
Dancin' in my wooden shoes
In a wedding gown

Dancin' out on 7th street
Dancin' through the underground
Dancin' little marionette
Are you happy now?

Where do you go when you're lonely
Where do you go when you're blue
Where do you go when you're lonely
I'll follow you
When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue

Laughing with your pretty mouth
Laughing with your broken eyes
Laughing with your lover's tongue
In a lullaby

Where do you go when you're lonely
Where do you go when you're blue
Where do you go when you're lonely
I'll follow you
When the stars go blue
The stars go blue, stars go blue

Follow you
Follow you

When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue

Where do you go when you're lonely?
Where do you go when the stars go blue?


Hopes are high,
Im taking the dive.
And if I fall,
So be it;
Everyone dies.

I will not give up,
I will keep trying.
I will not stop,
Cause without you Im dying.

Its harder then they think,
Its not as easy as it may seem.
Feeling no more; cant even blink;
Just want to scream.

Come back to me,
Give me another chance.
I can change,
And I know, at first it might be strange.

But I have hope,
That it will be okay.
Because I love you,
And I still have faith that you love me too.

But until you say so,
Or until were together again;
I can love no more,
Because my heart still belongs to you...

She put him out like the burning end of a midnight cigarette.
She broke his heart: He spent his whole life trying to forget.
We watched him drink his pain away, a little at a time,
But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind,
Until the night,
Brad and Alison:
He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger.
And finally drank away her memory.
Life is short, but this time it was bigger,
Than the strength he had to get up off his knees.
We found him with his face down in the pillow,
With a note that said: "I'll love her till I die."
And when we buried him beneath the willow,
The angels sang a whiskey lullaby.
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la,
La la la la la la la la,

Now Im not saying Ive never loved before,

But when I found you I couldnt ask for more,

I thought this is it I have found the one,

But as time went by, things started going wrong,

Wanted to see things your way, you wouldnt see mine,

Wanted to be with you night and day,

Now I never hear from you at all.


I wasnt ready to love you like I should,

We both had been hurt before,

So we had carried it with us,

Even going through this falling rain,

It wasnt a crime that our souls were dying,

You were the one for me; it was just the wrong timing.


Now I know things got bad and we had to part,

Hanging on broke our familys hearts,

Our love was written in the stars, the most passionate lovers,

When I think of you I melt, there was no greater love above us,

Without you my soul survives, when together, Im alive,

This time apart has helped me to see,

So when youre ready, come back to me.

Time has come and Im leaving my friend,

Its not so bad but maybe hard to comprehend,

Dont worry at all, if Im not right here,

With you my darling, I will always be near,

When times get hard, dont ever give up,

This is a trial to see if youre strong enough,

Dont ever get scared of the unknown,

Although Im not by your side, youre never alone.



Never too far, from a feeling of pain,

Always prepare for the rain,

Never too far from a shooting star,

Dont wish your life away,

Take your time and then you will find,

Truth and peace of mind,

What ever you do, where ever you are,

Dont forget Im, never too far.

Try this out:
On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to the
thermometer section and purchase a rectal thermometer made by Johnson
&Johnson Be very sure you get this brand. When you get home, lock your
doors, draw the curtains and disconnect the phone so you will not be
Change into very comfortable clothing and sit in your favourite chair.
Open the package and remove the thermometer. Now, carefully place it on
a table or a surface so that it will not become chipped or broken.
Now the fun part begins.
Take out the literature from the box and read it carefully. You will
notice that in small print there is a statement:


Mitte iseloom ei kaunista inimest, vaid iseloomutus.

Me kõik oleme lollid, kuid igaüks oma valdkonnast.

Olen alati ühel arvamusel inimestega, kes minuga nõustuvad.

Inimest, kes kunagi ei naera ei saa võtta kunagi tõsiselt.

Enesekriitika on vanim iseteenindamise liik.

Mannekeenid ei lähe kunagi moest.

Veidrusteta inimesed on kõige veidramad inimesed.

Kui ei suudeta mida tahetakse, tuleb tahta, mida suudetakse.

Kõik on võimalik seletada, ainult mitte kõigile.

Tõde väärib ausust, kuid vale on lõbusam.

Moraali võib lugeda ka tähti tundmata.

Kõige valjemini nõutakse tavaliselt vaikust.

Optimist laulab isegi siis kui tema laul on lauldud.

Õnn koputab kõigile uksele, kuid mitte kõik ei lase teda sisse.

Kõik võib olla. Isegi see, et midagi ei ole.

Ära kõnele tõtt neile, kes seda ei vääri.

Ohtlikumad simulantide seas on need, kes teesklevad mõtlevat inimest.

Kui sinult on varastatud idee, siis rõõmusta - see oli midagi väärt.

Ära kunagi valeta, või kui, siis vahest praktiseerimiseks.

Naer annab inimesele tagasi jõu, mille talt võtsid pisarad.

Pessimist on kogemuste varal targaks saanud optimist.

Kõik ei saa olla geeniused, mõni peab ju ka normaalseks inimeseks jääma.

1. Olen ma kuum?:
2. Olen ma armas?:
3. Olen ma crazy?:
4. Olen ma armastusväärne?:
5. Olen ma humoorikas?:
6. Olen ma tüütav?:
7. Olen ma psühho?:
8. Olen ma hea inimene?:
9. Julgen ma riskida?:

  Kas sa .. ?

10. Kallistaksid mind?:
11. Igatseksid mind, kui ma oleks ära?:
12. Kuulaksid mu probleeme?:
13. Kallistaksid mind, kui ma nutan?:
14. Oleksid hea sõber?:

  Kui hästi sa mind tunned .. ?

15. Millal on mu sünnipäev?:
16. Kui vana ma olen?:
17. Kas mul on hüüdnimesid?:
18. Lemmik värv(id)?:
19. Lemmik tegevus(ed)?:
20. Lemmik loom(ad)?:
21. Lemmik sport?:
22. Lemmik TV sari?:
23. Lemmik laul/laulud?:
24. Lemmik bänd/laulja?:

  Kes ma olen .. ?

25. Millise kuulsa inimesega sarnanen ma sinu arust kõige rohkem?:
26. Millise lauluga sa mind iseloomustaksid?:
27. Millist filmi/raamatu tegelast ma meenutan?:

  Kui sa saaksid..

28. Anda mulle uue nime, siis see oleks? Miks?:
29. Panna mu kellegagi paari (olemasoleva inimesega, kes
eksisteerib), siis kes see oleks? Miks?:
30. Teha midagi koos minuga, siis mis see oleks? Miks?:
31. Anda mulle nõu, siis see kõlaks?

Päevikute uuendamine toimub iga 5 minuti tagant.